States of matter

This week we are learning about states of matter.  Early in the week we explored ways to change paper by tearing, folding, cutting, coloring, and crumpling it.  Then we learned that *some* solids can be melted and turn into liquids – and that some liquids can be frozen and turned into solids!! We did an online activity freezing and melting different items then we tried it in real life!

First we started with solid popsicles, put them in the microwave for 40 seconds and watched as they melted.  When we took them out, they were liquid!!

Then we took apple juice (liquid) and poured it into popsicle trays.  After freezing them overnight, the apple juice turned into a solid popsicle!!

Popsicles are solids Melting popsicles now the popsicles are liquid


More about sounds

Friday we made a video recapping all that we had learned about sounds this week. We know that sounds are caused by *vibrations* – we made tuning forks vibrate and felt some toys vibrate as well. We made loud and quiet sounds, high-pitched and low-pitched sounds, and we explored how to make sounds by shaking and hitting different instruments. We had so much fun!!


This week we have been learning about sound – loud and quiet sounds, high and low pitched sounds, and how we can make sounds (by hitting or shaking instruments, for example). On Monday we learned that sound waves are caused by *vibrations* and then we did an experiment from our science book to show how sound waves move (they move up/down and back/forth).